Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Ash Wednesday, February 17

John Wilkinson, Pastor

We who live somehow connected to the Protestant Christian tradition are not quite sure what to make of Lent in general and Ash Wednesday in particular. It seems somehow “catholic,” whatever that may mean. It is not, or I should rather say, not exclusively, Catholic. Forty (40) is a biblical number – Noah’s Ark, the wandering Israelites, and Jesus’ time in the wilderness, you will remember. And the notion of ashes as a reminder of our mortality can be depressing and grim, though I prefer to think of it as liberating and humbling – and liberation and humility can go a long way in the living of our days.

On top of all that, there is the notion of giving something up. Perhaps you need to do that. Perhaps I need to do that. Not as punishment, but as an opportunity to focus, to contemplate. Or better yet, rather than giving something up, why not take something up. Something good for you – good for your body, your spirit, your mind, your community, your church.

So Lent begins. It begins at Third Church in a particular way, as we focus on water. You know about all of the events – come to some…your spirit will be nourished. I am particularly intrigued about water. Right now, its primary form is snow. By Easter, its primary form may be slush! But you get the point. It is such a simple thing, yet such a profound carrier of the biblical story, and such a fundamental need for human living and our globe’s future.

As Lent unfolds, please be in touch with me, through this blog or at Let me know how living water is nourishing your soul, or how we as a community may discover new sources of living water. And may the blessings of Lent – giving up and taking up, be yours, as we journey to Jerusalem and new life.

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