Wednesday, December 24, 2008

'Twas the night before Christmas. . .

When the question. "What is your favorite holiday" appears on a survey or in a get to know you game, my answer is always "Christmas Eve". Note that it is not Christmas, but rather Christmas eve.

I like the anticipation. I like the preparation. Christmas is, of course, fantastic--but in my mind, the real magic happens on Christmas eve. There is nothing much else to really do--if you haven't sent cards or baked or found that perfect gift, there is no point in stressing about it now--now it is time to sit in a candle lit sanctuary and listen. Listen to the rustling of little girls in their christmas dresses, the giggles of excitement that can't be held in for one more second, the greetings of college students home catching-up. And of course--listening to the story told in scripture ("In those days a decree went out from Emperor Augustus. . . "*) and in hymns ("Come, thou Long Expected Jesus", then perhaps "Away in a manger" and ending with "Silent Night" and tripumphantly, "Joy to the World!").

That story--whether in word or song-- still causes the hairs on the back of my neck to stand up. That story that is as familiar as any I know still fills me with hope each time I witness it unfold.

Where will you find yourself this Christmas eve? What sounds will greet you?

I would be remiss if I did not invite those of you who will not be sitting in a candle lit sanctuary this evening to tune in to the 11pm service here at Third Presbyterian Church. The service is being broadcast on WXXI radio. Click here for a link to listen. . .

Becky D'Angelo-Veitch, Coordinator of Children's Ministry & Congregational Life

* Luke 2:1a

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