Sunday, December 13, 2009

December 13: The Third Sunday in Advent

A Prayer for Advent by Harry Emerson Fosdick

Eternal Spirit, into the calm of thy presence we bring our restless lives. Silence the too great noise of our living. Quiet the turmoil of our stormy spirits. Smooth the irritations of our vexed hearts. Let quietness and responsiveness open our doors to thee…

…Speak to us in our hopes and our ideals, we pray thee. Save us from conformity with the low standards of the world. Grant us higher thoughts of Christ’s purpose for us, a nobler philosophy of life’s meaning, loftier goals for our devotion, worthier aims for our aspiration. Because we have worshipped thee here, may the character and mission of Jesus… grow vivid in our thought. Beget hope in us that, by thy grace, we may rise above our meaner selves, outgrow our littleness, and render some Christlike service to the world.

…Speak to us through the need of the world, we pray thee. We believe in thee, but how can we believe in [humanity]? The corruption of [human] life, the viciousness and violence of [human] deeds, tempt us to disgust and cynicism. Create in us fresh faith… Help us to look on men and women with the merciful eyes of Christ… Send us out from our worship restored in confidence that justice can conquer greed, that peace can overcome war, that love is stronger than hate, that life is mightier than death. We pray in thy name. Amen.

(Adapted from A Book of Public Prayers, Harper & Brothers, 1959)

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