Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Wednesday, December 2

Rod Perry, Elder

Thinking on Hospitality... Hospitality to me means room in your heart to welcome others. It is not necessarily a home or a house, but an accepting openness within our selves. When we open our heart we can see the spark that lights the other person, the divine that is in everyone. It is perhaps only a smile that warms the moment or a deep searching that blends our souls in ways we had never expected.

We may find in the opened heart new ways of thinking about something, or a solution to a perplexity, or simply a warm feeling that flows from the energy of the empathy we have created. It is not risk-free, this opening of the heart, for it can lead down uncharted paths that open to new alarms or old regrets. It requires a faith that any trust will be upheld and that any danger is only a shiver at the draft when we open our heart’s door. But unless we risk opening, we will not know the infinite variety that God has created in our world.

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