Monday, March 23, 2009

Monday, March 23

“Very truly, I tell you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains just a single grain; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.” John 12:24

In an exercise of science and imagination, the pre-school class planted pumpkin seeds. Small, grubby fingers dimpled the soil in clear, narrow, garden containers. Once the seeds were carefully placed and softly covered, the waiting began.

Excited eyes probed these changeless minature fields with disappointment for the first few days, but then… a speck of green: the very first tendril that heralded something new that is also something very ancient. The plants grew, pushing greenery up and putting roots down until soon it was time to replant. Small hands and watchful eyes looked for the seeds, which had mysteriously disappeared.

The pumpkins that fall were full of seeds, and with breathless excitement, Katherine and Carolyn and Rachel imagined all the pumkins they might grow.

Jesus spoke of his coming crucifixion as a time in which we would be glorified. He gave of his own life in ways that give life to others. As Christ’s followers, we too have the seeds of life inside. I can only imagine with breathless excitement all the disciples those seeds might grow.

Living God, you give us the wonder of seeds and harvest; give us the strength to plant the seeds of life, which come from you, and to gather in the fruits of that planting—people made new by your love. Amen.

Martha Langford, Associate Pastor for Congregational Care

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