Friday, March 20, 2009

Friday, March 20

For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish, but may have eternal life. John 3:16

When I was a kid, in high school maybe, it seemed to be in vogue for someone to have a huge sign with "JOHN 3:16" written in it at major events. Always in the end zone at football games, in crowds at the olympics, or any big televised gathering. One day (while watching the Bills, no doubt) my sister just got out the Bible and read the verse. I must admit, there was no lightning bolt of grace that changed the way I thought (to the dismay of the guy who painted the sign). As I have grown older and thought about that verse (and even highlighted it in a few third grade Bibles) it strikes me as one of those Biblical phrases that is way too rich for the "bumper-sticker" noteriety it has achieved. This little sentence contains not just a feel-good affirmation, but an under-lying challenge—an obligation—an invitation—and a promise so deep and profound that when you read it—really read it and hear it—it takes your breath away.

So this is grace.

Loving God, this Lenten season, help us to hear your word with new ears, read the story with new eyes, and open our hearts wider to the promises of Christ. Amen.

Becky D'Angelo-Veitch, Coordinator of Children's Ministries and Congregational Life


Unknown said...

I have been enjoying this Lenten blog series. But I wonder, why is this blog called "Seeking the Light"? It seems to me that you have clearly "Found the Light" and it is in between the pages Genesis 1:1 and Revelation 22:21!

Becky said...

Hi Bob!

To answer your question--"Seeking the light" is the "tag line" if you will for our congregation.


-Keep reading!